Why your website is your best marketing tool

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Why is your website the best marketing tool you have?

To understand this question, you need to understand how people think in this digital day and age. When you see or hear a new business name, the first thing you do is Google it, correct?

“75% of users admit to making judgements about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design”
Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab

A bold statement to start with, but it is a fact we cannot ignore. This means that before the consumer has even met you, seen your product/service or even been into your place of work, they have already made a judgement based on what they saw on your website.

Which brings us to the question: Why is my website the best marketing tool?

Your website is THAT PLACE where you have an audience and the opportunity to sell your brand and most importantly your story to possible clients. This is often where your prospective clients will make the decision to interact with your company further by picking up the phone; and calling; or sending an email.

So, what about traditional advertising and Marketing?

A website supports the traditional advertising – newspaper, radio and print ads.

Although these other platforms aren’t used as much, they are still helpful to create an interest in your business and drive more traffic to your website where you can then expand and go into more detail.

The below graph shows the impact of different marketing tools for your business.

“Master the topic, the message, and the delivery.” – Steve Jobs

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